Tuesday, April 8, 2008

World War I's effect on Russia

World War I had a dramatic effect on Russia. Because Russia suffered heavy casualties and were not doing well in the war, mass dissatisfaction and anger towards the Tsar and Russian Government spread. Tsar Nicholas II spent his time leading his army and leaving Alexandra in control, but many thought she was being controlled by Rasputin which further enraged the public. In 1917 Nicholas abdicated his throne and the provisional government was put in place. The failure of the war started the Russian Revolution. The Russian Revolution put the Bolsheviks in power an was the birth of socialism.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Russia On WWII

As the course of this inevitable war carries on, more and more innocent people are dying everyday from the wrath of Hitler, yet Russia still grows and grows with power. We are slowly establishing ourselves a world wide power within Europe. Our reputation has slowly begun to grow along with our authority, government, army, and trading policies. Hitler has proved reckless and irresponsible when it comes to provoking our country and attempting with us. Upon his poor attack on his, his men still in their summer uniforms, Russia fought back by simply running. Burning everything in sight that suggested a German advantage or lineage, we burned. It was a good thing to. Hitler is a very dangerous and manipulative man. Anything he touches can imperatively become dangerous to another country. Russia is simply learning to fight back and try to stay out of his reign of terror. As Hitler gains power so do we.  

peasants view on WWII

Being from mother Russia has its advantages. Hitler tried invading Russia but we did what we do best and ran. We practiced what the Americans call “Scorched earth policy”. This means as we run, we burn everything that those Germen people can use. They have never experienced a real winter and they’re about to in their summer uniforms! Haven’t they learned? Napoleon did the same; he left Russia with most of his army dead! It definitely sucks burning down livestock and our homes but you got to do what you got to do.